Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi
İktisat Bölümü

Akademik Performans - 2023


YILANCI, V.,  & PATA, U. K., (2023). COVID-19, stock prices, exchange rates and sovereign bonds: a wavelet-based analysis for Brazil and India.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EMERGING MARKETS , vol.18, no.11, 4968-4986.               

Kılcı, E. N.,  & Yılancı, V., (2023). Do Uncertainties and Risks Have an Impact on Cryptocurrency Returns? Evidence from the Symmetric and Asymmetric Fourier Quantile Causality Test.  ESTUDIOS DE ECONOMIA , no.Forthcoming, 1-15.

Yılancı, V., Syed, Q.,  & Haouas, I., (2023). Testing the nuclear energy induced environmental Kuznets curve for Bulgaria: An ARDL Bounds Test with Sharp and Smooth Breaks.  NATURAL RESOURCES FORUM , no.Forthcoming, 1-10.               

Yılancı, V., Akan, T.,  & Işık, A. H., (2023). Time-Varying Disaggregation of the Income-Emissions Nexus: New Evidence from the United Kingdom.  JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT , vol.348, 1-22.               

Yılancı, V., Kırca, M., Canbay, Ş.,  & Sağlam, M. S., (2023). Unraveling Unemployment Hysteresis in Nordic Countries: A Multifaceted Analysis of Age, Gender, and Frequency Differentials.  INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANPOWER , no.Forthcoming, 1-27.               

Yılancı, V.,  & Özgür, Ö., (2023). Unemployment and Labor Force Participation in Korea: A Fourier Approach.  POLITICKA EKONOMIE , no.Forthcoming, 1-17.               

Yılancı, V., Görüş, M. Ş.,  & Andreoni, V., (2023). Reinvestigation of the validity of the EKC hypothesis extended with energy: A time-varying analysis for the United Kingdom.  JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION , vol.428, 1-9.               

Yılancı, V., Adalı, Z., Çelik, O.,  & Bari, B., (2023). Testing the Short, Medium, and Long-Term Effects of Shocks on Ecological Balance.  ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (NEW YORK) AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR DECISION-MAKERS, SCIENTISTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL AUDITORS , no.Forthcoming, 1-13.               

Yılancı, V., Ursavaş, U.,  & Güven, T., (2023). Towards Sustainable Development: Revisiting the Middle-Income Trap Hypothesis for the Southern Common Market Countries.  PROBLEMY EKOROZWOJU , vol.18, no.2, 111-120.               

Yılancı, V., (2023). The Determinants of Forest Products Footprint: A New Fourier Cointegration Approach.  FORESTS , vol.14, no.5, 1-12.               

Yılancı, V.,  & Abbas, S., (2023). Does the frequency of stochastic convergence in per capita ecological footprint matter?.  ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH , vol.2023, 1-13.               

Yılancı, V., Candan, G.,  & Shah, M. I., (2023). Identifying the roles of energy and economic factors on environmental degradation in MINT economies: a hesitant fuzzy analytic hierarchy process.  ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH , vol.2023, 1-14.               

Yılancı, V., Çütcü, İ., Çayır, B.,  & Sağlam, M. S., (2023). Pollution haven or pollution halo in the fishing footprint: Evidence from Indonesia.  MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR MARINE ENVIRONMENTALISTS, SCIENTISTS, ENGINEERS, ADMINISTRATORS, POLITICIANS AND LAWYERS , vol.188, 1-10.               

Yılancı, V.,  & Ursavaş, U., (2023). Dynamic Relationship Between Carbon Emissions and Climate Policy Uncertainty: A Dynamic Symmetric And Asymmetric Fourier Causality Analysis.  ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL , vol.22, no.1, 117-136.               

Akan, T., Gündüz, H. İ., Emirmahmutoğlu, F.,  & Işık, A. H., (2023). Disaggregating renewable energy-growth nexus: W-ARDL and W-Toda-Yamamoto approaches.  RENEWABLE AND SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS , vol.188, 1-37.               


Diğer Dergilerdeki Makaleler

Yılancı, V., Hopoğlu, S.,  & Eryüzlü, H., (2023). The impact of the economic policy uncertainty and geopolitical risks on tourism demand of Mexico.  Theoretical and Applied Economics , vol.30, no.3, 147-164.               

Göv, A.,  & Yılancı, V., (2023). Graphical Causality Test Approach to the Relationship Between Economic Growth, Energy Consumption, Foreign Trade Balance and Financial Development.  ISTANBUL JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS , vol.73, no.1, 203-230.           

EVRAN, E.,  & Arslanboğa, K., (2023). EXPENSES OF THE MAWLID-I SHARIF CEREMONY HELD IN THE TWO HOLY CITIES (MECCA AND MEDINA) IN 1701.  Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi , vol.21, no.Cumhuriyetin 100. Yılı Özel Sayısı, 855-875.               

ARSLANBOĞA, K.,  & Furkan, M., (2023). Credit Records in Çanakkale: Institutions-People-Operations (H.E 1284- 1285/A.D 1868-1869).  Vakanüvis Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi (Online) , vol.8, no.1, 693-724.                   

Sağlam, M. S., (2023). A Discursive Examination of Methodological Approaches in Economic Historiography: Continental and Anglo-Saxon/American Traditions of Thought.  Management and Political Sciences Review , vol.5, no.2, 234-247.               


Kitap / Kitap Bölümü

Yılancı, V., Aslan, M.,  & Özgür, Ö., (2023). Disaggregating Renewable and Nonrenewable Energy Consumption in the Energy Growth Nexis: Evidence From the Panel Frequence Domain Approach in OECD Countries.   Perspectives on Ecological Degradation and Technological Progress (pp.205-228), Pennsylvania: IGI GLOBAL.      

Dalyancı, H. L., Sağlam, M. S.,  & Özkaya, M., (2023). Gelişen Ekonomisiyle Çanakkale.   Çanakkale Araştırmaları Sosyal, Kültürel, Ekonomik ve Çevresel Yönleriyle Çanakkale (pp.133-152), İstanbul: Beta Yayınevi.                        

SAĞLAM, M. S., (2023). An Essay on the Energy and Equity Relationship With a Panel Data Analysis (2011-2020).   Perspectives on Ecological Degradation and Technological Progress (pp.79-92), Pensilvanya: IGI Global.