Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
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Araştırma Görevlisi Muhlis Selman Sağlam'ın Kitap Değerlendirmesi "Turkish Journal of Islamic Economics" dergisinde yayınlandı

Araştırma görevlilerinden Muhlis Selman Sağlam'ın Economics and Capitalism in the Ottoman Empire kitabının değerlendirmesi Turkish Journal of Islamic Economics dergisinde yayınlandı.

Değerlendirmenin kısa bir özeti altta bulunmaktadır.


The book under review consists of five chapters. In the first part, the author discusses the 19th century Ottoman social structure and economic thought system. In the following three chapters this structure has been examined in detail by focusing on social change, development issues, imperialism, and industrialization. The last chapter summarizes author’s views on the Ottoman economic thought system following which the author concludes his argument.

This work and issues addressed therein closely coincide with the theme of author’s doctoral dissertation. It can be said that the period focused by the author is 19th century. Considering that this century was a period in which Ottoman thought had started to transform and the institutional and social effects of modernism had started to appear, the contents of the book can be understood better. Besides, if the other works of the author are examined, it can be noticed that this book provides a summary of his previous works as well. The author, who has reviewed the period of Abdulhamid II in his doctoral dissertation, examines the same period in this book as well. In addition, it will be seen that the author, who examined the Ottoman economic thought through looking into literary works in his book “Economics and Other Sciences”, maintains a similar approach in this work.