Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
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İktisat Bölümü

Prof. Dr. Veli Yılancı'nın makalesi SCI'da endekslenen Mathematics adlı dergide yayınlandı.

Prof. Dr. Veli Yılancı'nın "The Causality Relationship between Trade and Environment in G7 Countries: Evidence from Dynamic Symmetric and Asymmetric Bootstrap Panel Causality Tests" başlıklı makalesi SCI'da endekslenen Mathematics adlı dergide yayınlandı.


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In this paper, we test the dynamic symmetric and asymmetric causality relationship between the ecological footprint and trade openness in G7 countries by suggesting a new bootstrap panel causality test based on seemingly unrelated regressions. We analyzed the time-varying behavior of the symmetric and asymmetric panel causality relationship test to reveal the instabilities in the causality relationships. The obtained results suggest a relationship between the trade openness and ecological footprint in some years of the analysis period and between the negative and positive shocks.