Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi
İktisat Bölümü

Genel Bilgi-EN

General Information

Founded in 2012, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Economics started to admit students in 2014-2015 academic year. Our faculty was changed as Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences to "Faculty of Political Sciences" affiliated to the Rectorate of Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University according to Article 30 of the Law No. 2809 dated 28.03.1983 with the decision of the Council of Ministers dated 16.02.2016 numbered 2016/8555 and published in the Official Gazette of Türkiye dated 08.04.2016 and numbered 29678.

Mission and Vision


Mission; In the light of science, taking into account the ever-changing internal and external conditions, by carrying out contemporary education and training activities, qualified to be employed in the public and private sectors and having information age equipment, sensitive to developments in Türkiye and the world economy, able to think universally, innovative, participatory, broad horizons, with sufficient self-confidence, to train economists who are experts in their field. At the same time, one of our aims is to contribute to academic development as faculty members of the department.

In line with this mission, our primary goal is to provide students with the knowledge and equipment necessary to analyse economic events, make predictions and make the right decisions in a rapidly changing and developing world. In order to contribute to academic development, it is aimed to carry out scientific studies and publications, and to continue by continuously increasing the number, quality and quality of these studies.


Vision; To be a quality-oriented and innovative department of economics, which has made a name for itself in Türkiye and in the world with the students it educates and the scientific activities it carries out.

Level Turkish Higher Education Qualifications Framework (TTYC), Programme Outcomes (PC) and Degree Awarded

T.T.Y.C.1. Explain basic economic terms, concepts and theories.

T.T.Y.C.2. find, evaluate and analyse economic literature.

T.T.Y.C.3. apply historical, theoretical and empirical analyses to evaluate economic issues or problems.

T.T.Y.C.4. can analyse current problems in economics.

T.T.Y.C.5. collect, analyse and evaluate economic data.

T.T.Y.C.6. examine and analyse economic developments and policies.

T.T.Y.C.7. Demonstrate oral and written communication skills.

T.T.Y.C.8. can gain and develop lifelong learning behaviour.

T.T.Y.C.9. Be compatible with teamwork, have initiative, be open to innovative ideas and use analytical thinking skills.

T.T.Y.C.10. Can reach the awareness of professional and ethical responsibility.


P.C.1. Apply historical, theoretical and empirical analyses in evaluating economic issues or problems.

P.C.2. Interpret current economic problems.

P.C.3. collect, analyse and interpret economic data.

P.C.4. understand and analyse economic developments and policies.

P.C.5. Analyse regional economic events.

P.C.6. understand markets and analyse developments.

P.C.7. Makes social and economic analysis of past societies.

P.C.8. Be compatible with teamwork, have initiative and be open to innovative ideas.

P.C.9. Use analytical thinking skills.

P.C.10. proposes solutions for the analysed economic situations.


Students who successfully complete all of the courses (240 ECTS credits) receive the degree of "Bachelor's Degree in Economics".

Education Objectives

Our educational objectives as the Department of Economics, Faculty of Political Sciences

1) Sensitive to developments in the Türkiye and world economy

2) High academic skills, able to conduct qualified and effective research in the light of the economic data collected

3) Innovative and able to create added value

4) Having a corporate culture, able to work in a team, participatory

5) Expert economist with good knowledge of economic theories

Admission Requirements

Prospective students of Türkiye nationality must have a sufficient score in the field of TM-1 in the national exam organised by OSYM every year.
The admission procedure for international students is determined by the Registrar's Office.

Foreign Relations Coordination Office Contact

Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Foreign Relations Coordination Office, Faculty of Political Sciences Building, Ground Floor 17020, Canakkale

0286 218 00 18 / 12004



Education and Training Methods Used

Face to Face Lecture: The topics covered by the lecturer are explained to the students face to face on the board or with slides. In this process, the projection device is actively used. Although the lecturing is mostly done by the lecturer, from time to time it is also done by discussing the subject with the students and brainstorming. In addition, research topics are given to the students from time to time and these topics are explained by the students in the classroom in order to gain self-confidence and to enable the students to comprehend the subject. The subjects that are not understood are repeated by the instructors.

Problem Solving: Problems are prepared by the lecturers to include the topics covered in the course and it is based on the determination of the way to be followed in solving these problems, the methods to be used and the interpretation of the results.

Practice and Application: In order to reinforce the subject given in the course with problems, applications are carried out following the lecture or at a different time during the course. Practice questions are made by making use of textbooks or other sources given to students.

Question and answer: It is applied as answering the questions of the students during or after the lecture, during or after the practice. Question-answer is also applied in homework assignments.

Project - Homework: Projects or homeworks are used in order to better understand the subjects taught in the course by the students. With projects and assignments, it is aimed for the student to recognise and comprehend the problem, to scan the necessary literature and to develop the skills of solving the subject and to prepare and present a presentation / report.

Case study: It is made in the form of explaining and interpreting the studies previously carried out in real environments related to the subjects described in the lectures during the course.

Seminar-Conference: Apart from these, seminars and conferences are organised by inviting the leading figures of the sector to our department.


Qualification Criteria and Regulations

In order to graduate from this programme, students must successfully complete all the courses in the programme curriculum with a minimum grade of DD / S. Students must have a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 2.00 out of 4.00 in 240 ECTS*.

Academic Progression Opportunities

They can be employed as researchers and practitioners in various positions related to economics in the public and private sectors. There are job opportunities in institutions, organisations and company departments such as Central Bank of the Republic of Türkiye, Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade, Undersecretariat of Treasury, State Planning Organisation, Capital Markets Board, Competition Authority, Istanbul Stock Exchange, Banks, Financial Institutions, Audit Institutions, Marketing and Sales Departments of Private Firms.

Exams, Assessment and Evaluation

Exams are conducted as written, oral or practical. The exam results are given to the head of the department by the relevant instructor within fifteen days and announced. After the announcement of the exam results, the exam documents and the exam records of the practical courses are kept for two years. Exams are conducted by the lecturers assigned to teach that course. In the event that the instructor in charge is not present at the University during the exam period, it is decided by the relevant department board by whom the exams will be held and evaluated. Written exams are conducted with the participation of two invigilators to be determined by the head of the department. The evaluation of the model, painting, handicraft type evaluation studies of the applied courses are processed with a report prepared by the student and the administration. At the end of the internship and practice, in faculties and colleges that are obliged to hold exams, how the internship and practice exams will be held is determined by the faculty and college boards. Success grade is determined by taking 40% of the midterm exam grade average and 60% contribution of the final or make-up exam grade and is notified to the students in the first two weeks of the course. The instructor of the course evaluates the final grade of the course in the form of letter and coefficient grades in accordance with the normal distribution statistics and relative evaluation by taking the success grades of the students for each course over 100 points as in the table below:

90 - 100 AA 4.00
85 - 89 BA 3.50
80 - 84 BB 3.00
70 - 79 CB 2.50
60 - 69 CC 2.00
55 - 59 DC 1.50
50 - 54 DD 1.00
40 - 49 FD 0.50
0 - 39 FF 0.00
For Credit Courses) Successful grades: AA, BA, BB, BB, CB, CC, DC, DD, YE
Failed Grades: FD, FF, YS, DS


Graduation Requirements

In order for undergraduate students to graduate, they must have successfully completed the course load equivalent to 240 ECTS and the overall grade point average of the course load equivalent to 240 ECTS must be at least 2.00 out of 4.00. If any, they must be successful in all compulsory internship trainings and must have received sufficient grades from non-credit courses. These students are accepted as SUCCESSFUL students. A student's grade point average is also the graduation grade point average.

Type of Education

Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of Economics provides face-to-face education.